Reviews are a huge part of video game culture, for better or for worse. Publishers like having a score and gamers like going to Metacritic to see where games stand. Here at Duel Screens we believe there is still a place for this, but we are not that place. That being said, here we will be “scoring” a game one of four possible “scores”. Notice I keep writing “scores” in quotations? That is because we are adopting what we call the “Four B’s” review verdict. Buy It!, Bin It!, Bum It! and Burn It!
So now that you know how we are going to score games, lets get into what each score means.
Buy It!
When we score something “Buy It!” that means this game is worth paying full price for. It is the highest accolade we will be giving titles. Remember, reviews are done in a vacuum. Some games are only $9.99 and this will be noted in the review. Paying full price for a game that is budget priced is important information to know. With so many sales and the used game market, paying full price for a game should be something you think long and hard about. So we will help guide you to that decision.
Bin It!
Here, we believe a game is worth your time, but maybe not all your money. Maybe you should wait for a sale before jumping in to this title. Either way, the review itself can inform you of that, but if you want to scroll right down to the score, we recommend waiting for the game to be on sale before picking it up.
Bum It!
Sometimes a game is good, but may not be for everybody. Not sure a game’s mechanics are for you? Wouldn’t it be nice to try the game before buying it for yourself? That’s where Bum It! come into effect. Here we recommend Bumming it from a friend before possibly dropping hard earned cash on the title.
Burn It!
Okay this one may seem harsh, but what we are essentially saying is that this game really isn’t worth your time or money. Sure there may be somebody out there that will enjoy it, but we can’t imagine who that person is. So if you come across one of these games in the wild, use flamethrower attack. It will be super effective.
We were at Duel Screens are dedicated to entertaining you and informing you. Slapping some superficial number just isn’t our style. But rest assured, you will get our honest opinions. Our reviews will never be informed by the developers or publishers of the games. We have a lot of developers on our various shows and it is very important to us that our readers understand this will not impact our thoughts on the games. We hope you allow us to inform your purchasing decisions, but most of all hope you trust us to do so.