2019 was considered a “down year” by most, but that does not mean 2019 did not have its share of incredible games. But what is the game of the year? We here at Duel Screens will be making the case for various titles for your consideration.
For Your Consideration – Children of Morta
Children of Morta was not a game that i’d had on my radar this year. But, After Dead Mage Studio released it into the wild on September 3rd it started popping up on my Youtube feed. I remember clicking on one singular video, watching about 2 minutes of gameplay, and immediately searching for a Switch release date. It grabbed me that quickly. I had barely seen anything the game had to offer but the beauty and fluidity of the pixel art instantly sold me. What I thought would be a fun little indie-rougelike excursion ended up being one of my favorite games of the year. It’s core gameplay loop was so well designed that I just couldn’t get enough. On top of that it has one of the most surprisingly deep narratives about family that I can think of.
In the hefty chunk of time I’ve dedicated to Children of Morta I’ve become increasingly attached to each member of the Bergson’s for different reasons. The game does a stunning job of building the narrative around the six playable characters and how their personal journey feeds into the overarching story. Each character unlock has depth and meaning. None are just trophies for accomplishing in-game tasks. They’re all carefully crafted and woven into the tapestry of the Bergson Family. The game continues this family focused design even into its leveling system, skill trees, and minute-to minute game-play. Each playable character has their own skill set and skill tree. They all play entirely differently. In addition to unlocking more skills and upgrading existing ones you’ll also unlock passive bonuses that apply to every single family member. This, in addition to some other mechanics in the game, cause you to use each and every character. Surprisingly, I don’t think I could pick a favorite. They’re all a blast to use, especially at higher levels which is a triumph in itself.
I picked Children of Morta as my sole choice for your consideration because it is oozing with personality, it is clear that Dead Mage Studio poured its heart and soul into every pixel of this adventure, and Because I don’t think any other game i’ve ever played hits the concept of family this well. It is the total package. You want a story you care about? You got it. You want an addictive game play loop? Got that too. You want absolutely gorgeous pixel art? GUESS WHAT? WE GOT THAT. I Implore you, whatever sect of gaming you occupy, give Children of Morta a shot. You will not be disappointed.
That is why Children of Morta…is Game of the Year 2019.
What do you think? Is Children of Morta your Game of the Year? Love it? Hate it? Drop a comment below!