IT’S AN ALIEN INVASION!!…and they are stealing our…wifi? *Beep Beep* Thank the caffeine gods that James Deighan of Mega Cat Studios is here to grind the beans out of those extra-terrestrial asshats. *Beep Beep* Seriously, the stuff Mega Cat is doing for the indie dev community is incredible and inspiring! *beep beep*. But that’s not all we talk about – Nintendo did a Nintendo and gave us all of 36 hours to prepare our bodies for a Pokemon Direct. The Pokemon Direct’s *beep beep* eight blissful minutes of poke-goodness was so spectacular, that it really is the only news worth reporting on this week. And finally, *beep beep* The Hype Zone confirms that some media outlets really should stay in their lane. This is Nintendo Duel Screens: Episode 88!
Oh and yea..Jame’s smoke detector beeps a lot. Sorry bout it!
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